LED Lighting and the Environment
With today’s rising energy cost and environmental issues, companies are looking for innovative ways on how they can help improve your living condition and help save the environment. Thus, changing one incandescent bulb to light emitting diode (LED)bulbs at a time, you can do your share in lowering down energy usage and reap other environmental benefits like:
LEDs can lower down your energy consumption. LED lights use less energy approximately 1/3 of the energy used to power up an incandescent bulb. Furthermore, a single18 watts LED bulb can efficiently replace an incandescent bulb of 75 watts thus, saving around 570 kilowatts. Another great thing is, you also save around $50 on electric bills.
Frequent changing of light bulbs also means more garbage dumped in the landfills. By using conventional light bulbs, you are sure to change bulbs every so often since incandescent can only last up to 1,000 hours. That means you need to change your incandescent bulb every after one and a half months, roughly 8 replacement bulbs in a year. For compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), it can last only up to 10,000 hours and it is just barely more than a year.
LEDs, on the other hand, can last for 100,000 hours of usage, around 11 years. Thus, you help lessen garbage filled with carbon dioxide, nuclear wastes and sulfur oxide; one LED bulb can help the atmosphereto be one half ton carbon dioxide-free.
Using LED will help keep harmful mercury out of the atmosphere. Reports of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that fluorescent lamps at around 800 million add to the mounting garbage each year; fluorescent garbage produces mercury that can contaminate water in area for about 20 million acres.
More so, mercury can contaminate the soils, animals and people inhabiting the area. Once ingested, inhaled or absorbed by the skin, mercury’s neurotoxin can gravely harm the nervous system. It acts as a poison almost the same to lead, thus exposure to mercury poses a great threat topregnant mothers, children and infants. Exposed humans can and may experience physical effects like lack of bodily coordination, hearing, speech and vision impairments, kidney damage and skin problems like rashes.Aside from this, fluorescents also contain argon, another harmful chemical.
There are efforts to lower down the amount of mercury in light bulbs thus it lead to the innovation of CFLs. However, CFLs still contain mercury around 4 to 15 mg, just barely 5 mg lower that fluorescents. Thus, to help save the environment from mercury, argon and other harmful contaminants and pollutants, it is best to switch to LED light bulbs.
LED lights do not contain any mercury and needless to say that it is energy efficient as compared to other conventional lights. So, if you want to lessen your monthly bills and help save the environment, use LED light bulbs. Using LED is another solution to the growing environmental problems.